What made you get into martial arts?
I grew up watching my big brothers going to the gym and learning Teakwondo I followed their footsteps and we all started doing kickboxing.

Tell us about your journey/background/accomplishments?
It all started in Morocco, we started doing tournaments, then once we moved to the United States I got my first fight in kickboxing. A lot of people didn’t know about me but I made my statement and they named me Smiley.

What is your goal as a coach?
With my love for the sport, I decided to share my passion and spread my knowledge. I decided to start coaching along with training/fighting. My goal as of now as a coach is to help youngsters and show them the way. Also, give the chance and opportunity that was once given to me.

What makes High Altitude Martial Arts special?
High Altitude Martial Arts is very special to me because it all started here. They took us in when we first moved to the United States. They are family to me. I continue to grow with them and I appreciate the opportunity they gave me as a student and as a coach.

Ilias El Kasri
Martial Arts management software