What made you get into martial arts? 
Honestly I was always into Martial arts when I was younger, but what really got me into it was GSP vs. Hughes 3. It got me hooked and I knew Martial arts would be apart of the rest of my life.

Tell us about your journey/background/accomplishments?
I have about 4 year’s of experience and have spent 3 and a half of those at HAMA. I have been coaching for 2 years and have two amateur kick boxing fights with many more to come.

What is your goal as a coach? 
My goal as a coach is to share knowledge and my love for martial arts, give back, and hopefully make some people’s lives better. Just like my coaches have done for me.

What makes High Altitude Martial Arts special? 
HAMA feels like home to me. It’s essentially my safe space that I go to to be at peace, as well as better myself.

Sam Gaffney
Martial Arts management software