4 Things We Focus On When Teaching Martial Arts To Children

4 Things We Focus On When Teaching Martial Arts To Children


One of the first thing a good parent asks themselves before enrolling them in our Jiu Jitsu or Kickboxing program is, “is this safe for my child?” And rightfully so as both Jiu Jitsu and Kickboxing are a full contact sports. The answer is yes, it is safe and we take safety very seriously. We have adequate space to help avoid accidents. Children are less aware of their surroundings. They are still learning to control their bodies and don’t realize how close they are to other pairs of students while training. Coaches monitor the mats and make sure students aren’t crashing into each other while drilling the move. It is also important to have plenty of coaches on the mat to teach and supervise. To walk around to answer questions and correct technique.


Our coaches are professionals with martial arts experience, a love for Jiu Jitsu and Kickboxing and are passionate about teaching. They are fun and serious at the same time. They have creative ways of teaching your children without them even knowing it. They make the class fun and the way lessons are taught are age appropriate. Teaching a four year old and a twelve year old will sound very different even though they are learning the same thing. The coaches have tailored their lessons based on age and experience levels. We balance fun with learning. The games that are played incorporate techniques they have been learning. Children are engaged the entire class. The children participate in challenges that allow them to compete with their classmates and also test themselves. Entertaining classes help the children remain focused. Our classes are fast paced and full of energy.


One of the main reasons parents enroll their children in martial arts is because they want their children to learn discipline. They want them to follow the rules and develop a sense of respect for the people around them and for themselves. Learning self discipline at a young age will carry well into adulthood and help shape them along the way. Parents who need help with troublesome children at home or in school often choose martial arts to help teach discipline. Our coaches are well trained in this department and welcome the challenge. Younger children have shorter attention spans and can lose focus in class. That’s why fun as mentioned above is so important! Our instructors give respect and expect it on return. Children model the behavior of those they look up to and will learn how to earn respect. The children also learn discipline by listening to mat chats.


Values are taught through our mat chats. The children retain the lessons taught because they are given relatable examples and kid friendly vocabulary. As with discipline, strong values will follow them to adulthood and help them become good humans. Children will learn how to defend themselves in our programs, should they ever be a victim of a bully. What’s more valuable is that they will learn how to defend those who cannot defense themselves. Children will learn how to treat their peers and elders on a day to day basis. Children who are trained in martial arts are less likely to be aggressive towards others because they are more disciplined and learn respect. And value relationships. Our academy is the home of people from all backgrounds, children are exposed to different cultures and learn to appreciate differences. Respect for yourself, your peers, and authority figures translates to everyday life.

Children who train martial arts learn dedication. Dedication not only the sport but also to themselves. As parents, new have to invest in them at an early age to help shape their development. Let us help you help them.

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