Is Kickboxing Good for Self Defense?

Is Kickboxing Good for Self Defense?

Kickboxing will help you develop skills to defend yourself, should the occasion does arrive. No one wants to be put in a situation where a physical altercation might occur, but if it does, your kickboxing classes will give you the tools to deescalate the situation and protect yourself.

Kickboxing class helps develop attributes and skills that occur in full contact training. There is no substitute for sparring and training against a resisting opponent.

So kickboxing will help you with being more aware of your surroundings. It will help you with prepare your body for an extremely stressful situation. It will make your more body aware of ways to hurt/defend yourself against an attack. Sometimes you just need to subdue your attacker for a short time so you are able to get to safety.

Full contact sparring is where you will learn the most important aspects of fighting. Self defense is defined as a countermeasures that involves defending health and well being of oneself from harm. The use of the right of self defense as a legal justification for force in times of danger is available in many jurisdictions.

Today we are focusing on kickboxing as one of the many different ways to protect yourself in self defense. Real fights are scary, violent uncontrolled environments unlike fighting in the ring or the gym. Fighting outside the gym should be avoided.

There are seven styles of fighting that can help when the occasion arises in street fighting.

Boxing: Consisting of single strikes to the head that are fast and heavy 

Wrestling: Body slams and hard body movements 

Muay Thai: An arsenal of weapons used in battle such as knees elbows, kicks, punches, users must harden there bodies and sharpen their minds 

Judo: Throws to subdue 

Krav Maga: Emphasis is on threat utilization and life ending counter strikes 

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu: Teaches you to stay above your opponent at all costs and quick decisions  

Kickboxing can help you with:

  • mental preparation
  • awareness of your surroundings
  • great body conditioning 
  • defensive and/or offensive moves 

To become excellent at self defense practicing and repeating the movement to have it become second nature. While we agree that self defense classes can be beneficial, it’s going to take more than one class to get your properly prepared to protect yourself. One of the main things to remember if you find yourself in a dangerous situation is to breathe. To remain as calm as possible so you have mentally clarity to make the best decisions that may save your life or the life of others.

Many times people ask if kickboxing can be used as a self defense tool. Kickboxing is an excellent workout and can be useful when you need to use it to defend yourself. The kickboxing classes at High Altitude have you practicing on a live target. This is the best way to prepare to defend yourself because you are striking a defensive, moving target. It helps you develop balance and strength to counter the impact. You learn to move your hands and feet.

Kickboxing is a great option for self defense, but there is a gap in only kickboxing training. By adding some Jiu Jitsu to your training, you will be able to add another useful self defense tool to your toolbox. You would be able to take your attacker down. Maybe choke them to sleep to run away. Maybe subdue them until help arrives. You could combine your kickboxing and Jiu Jitsu knowledge to get yourself to safety and help protect others. Everyone should have this skills especially women! You are your own first responder.

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