How to Prepare for Kickboxing Class

How to Prepare for Kickboxing Class

There are many lessons to be learned in kickboxing and the first one is everyone had a first day. Everyone was in your exact shoes, feeling your exact some butterflies. Many of us are looking to work out, get in shape, and have fun. Some of us are looking to be mixed martial arts (MMA) fighters. There is a place for everyone at High Altitude Martial Arts.


  • Dress: Comfortable workout clothes (T-shirt, tank top, shorts, workout pants)
  • Gear: 14oz or 16oz gloves and shinguards (Mouthpiece optional at first)
  • Miscellaneous: Water bottle, flip flops (we train barefoot but shoes/flip flops are required off the mats)

First things first. Dress appropriately and bring your gear (we have some you can borrow for your first class). Eat! Fuel up on healthy foods so that you enough energy for class. Making sure that you properly nourished your body to be prepared for growth plays a huge role in your performance during class and the amount of knowledge retained when you’re in class. It also helps with recovery.

Arrive 15 minutes early to get settled in. Nothing worse than being late and frantic. Start stretching, warming up, and mentally preparing yourself. Leave the outside world, outside.

Setting Goals

Goals help us plan. Planning out a small goal for when you begin kickboxing can help you out in many ways such as providing motivation, finding peers with the same goal so they can help you as you help them, or even a way to track progress from the first day that you started training. It can be extremely rewarding to see how far you come and look forward to how far you can go. Your initial goal might just be to walk through the doors. No goals are too big or too small! You can add and change goals as needed. Some of the goals you could begin with are improving balance, overall agility, and even losing weight.

Finding the right class

Not all kickboxing classes are created equally. Some gyms focus on bag work. At High Altitude Martial Arts, we don’t use the heavy bag. We encourage you to try both types of kickboxing and see what is the best fit for you. Our kickboxing classes are taught by different instructors who each bring their own style and flow to the class Although the curriculum is the same, each class and coach are unique so are taught slightly different. This gives the students an opportunity to create their own style to kickboxing with variety and keeps your kickboxing workouts fun.

Bottom line

High Altitude Martial Arts offers many opportunities to compete in kickboxing, learn self-defense, and help you reach personal goals. Even if you are just training in kickboxing to improve your endurance, kickboxing at High Altitude can help. If you want to compete, we can help. Training at least 3 times a week helps progress you further towards your goals, but it all starts at one class. The atmosphere at class in High Altitude is not to be mistaken as a harmful or dangerous environment but rather an environment where everyone in the room is looking for growth. 

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