What Are “Mat Chats” During Youth BJJ and Kickboxing Classes?

What Are “Mat Chats” During Youth BJJ and Kickboxing Classes?

Our martial arts program not only teaches BJJ and Kickboxing techniques. It teaches respect and discipline and increases physical fitness and confidence. It also teaches life skills through mat chats. The topics in these chats range from hygiene to manners to handling bullies.

After warmups, our instructors sit the kids down in a circle for mat chat. This is an interactive session where the students are called upon to answer questions and give examples from their own lives. The mat chat circle itself is where we can practice respect and discipline. Discipline by finding your spot in the circle quickly and quietly, by sitting still on our knees and raising our hands to speak. Respect by listening to the coaches and teammates.

We are building a strong community and positive culture. We are helping build children into strong men and women. We want to instill positive behaviors and thoughts in them at a young age that can translate to everyday life now into adulthood. Kids learn by watching the adults they look up to and the kids around them. We all have the ability to influence on another. Life lessons taught by parents and reiterated in different settings by different role models create imprints on the brain.

Parents love mat chats because it teaches kids lessons that can be used outside of the gym. We have also used this time to address personal issues a student may be facing at school. If one kid is going through it, surely someone else can or will benefit from it as well. Most recently a parents asked if we could include something about personal boundaries We encourage parents to ask your kids what today’s mat chat was about. Sometimes they will remember, sometimes they won’t. Repetition for developing brains is essential to learning.

When you enroll your kids at High Altitude Martial Arts your kids will be more focused, more confidence, have more self esteem, believe in themselves, make friends, and be stronger physically and mentally.

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