Why Should Women Train Martial Arts?

Why Should Women Train Martial Arts?

Martial arts have always been male dominated sports. Whether on UFC cards or in martial arts gyms, women are in the minority. While this can be a deterrent to some, women should all consider at least some level of martial arts training. This benefits women in multiple ways, promoting healthy minds, bodies, and lifestyles. Women who train martial arts, especially mixed martial arts, are equipped for anything and everything life could throw at them.

Martial arts show women that they are strong.

  • Most academies are co-ed. This diversity promotes healthy competition and respect among students in the gym.
  • Women who may feel weak learn to use their bodies and minds to become powerful. Regardless of skill level or size, any woman can learn effective techniques they wouldn’t find elsewhere.
  • Training among others to become stronger is empowering, and boosts confidence. The opportunity to train with bigger stronger people is a unique one that shows the more challenges women overcome, the stronger they are.
  • Women who don’t train in martial arts actively avoid people who would physically challenge them.
  • Women don’t have to live in fear when they reject the misconception that they are weak or powerless. Training at the gym demonstrates to women that they have power in their minds and their bodies that would be dormant otherwise.

Martial arts training is a practical skill.

  • For anybody, self defense is a useful skill. For women in particular, self defense is a MUST.
  • Part of why women feel so scared or helpless in public is because they lack the proper means to defend themselves. Martial arts provides practical, effective ways for women to defend themselves day in a day out.
  • Everybody needs exercise, why not have a fun workout ? Instead of dreading being alone in a chain gym forcing yourself to do exercises you hate, have fun with people you know and trust!
  • Martial arts provide a full body workout, complete with resistance, calisthenics, cardio, and flexibility training. 
  • Training martial arts is an appealing alternative to lone-wolfing an hour-long weightlifting session.

Training martial arts is good for social and emotional health.

  • There’s friends, and then there’s friends you trust to beat you up, respectfully, of course! Martial arts is a personal sport that utilizes the whole body, so you become close to the people you train with quickly.
  • Gyms don’t tolerate creeps or people who make others uncomfortable, so women always have a place to grow and learn.
  • Making new friends is always a plus! But stress relief is even better.
  • Women who train martial arts have lower stress levels overall and have better demeanors throughout the day. The physical stress relief is provided through exercise and the mental stress relief is through trusting/having fun with training partners.
  • Many women have a lot on their plates, it pays to have a hobby that is not only fun, but also makes you physically stronger, and less stressed overall
  • Every woman wants the peace of mind that comes with being confident in their own abilities to be powerful and defend themselves in any and all situations.

Martial arts build mental fortitude.

  • Women who train martial arts overcome the fear and panic that stressful situations can induce.
  • Being proficient in self defense techniques and familiar with sparring against others provides a reassurance that no other sport or activity can.
  • Martial arts is a lifelong journey; it will be difficult at times and some pain is necessary for growth.
  • Pushing your body to uncomfortable extremes pushes your mind too, and anyone who perseveres through those difficulties becomes stronger because of it.
  • Any athlete has a stronger mind than those who don’t play sports, but martial artists bring mental toughness to a new level. They are the most disciplined and composed athletes.

Women who train martial arts are happier with themselves, their abilities, their bodies, their lives, and their skills. If you have been waiting to start your martial arts journey, now is the time and there is no better academy than High Altitude Martial Arts/Easton Aurora. We welcome women and will help you reach whatever your goals may be. Become the strongest, happiest, woman you can be along with other women who share the same goal!

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