Should I Eat Before A Martial Arts Class?

Should I Eat Before A Martial Arts Class?

We recommend eating a light healthy snack that will fuel you during the class. Never take a class on an empty stomach. Contrary to popular belief, training on an empty stomach actually makes you feel more nauseous, lightheaded, and more likely to throw up. Not eating causes you to get fatigued easily and feel weak. You want to get the most of your class;  feel good during and after. 

Eating too big of a meal before training may make you feel sluggish. You move slow and the rounds seem never ending. Instead of focusing on the task at hand, you focus on the clock and wonder when it will all be fore. 

A snack consisting of a complex carb and lean protein is the best way to go. Eating something 45-60 minutes prior to class will help with fat burning and muscle development. It will also give you energy to maintain a high intensity level to get the most of your session. If you train on an empty stomach, about 10% of the calories burned will come from protein which includes lost muscle. Protect and grow those muscles with proper fuel!

Some of our favorite snacks:

  • Banana

Quick and easy to eat on the go. Filled with digestible carbohydrates and potassium which helps your body’s nervous system and muscle function.

  • Greek yogurt with fruit or nuts

A perfect combination of protein, giving you energy throughout your training session. The fruit and/or nuts gives you quick fuel to burn.

  • Apple and peanut butter

Apple is a great, easy choice. Throw in a couple spoons of peanut butter for some carbs. Peanut butter packs are also a great choice.  

  • Whole grain bread with turkey

Bread is a great source for complex carbohydrates, giving you plenty of energy. Add turkey for a protein boost. 

  • H2O

Don’t forget to drink plenty of water before and after your workout. Stay hydrated!

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