Why Kickboxing?

Why Kickboxing?

Who’s tired of running on a treadmill or following an online video workout by yourself? Working out alone can get redundant, and it can get boring, we get it! Imagine trading that boring routine for an interactive workout in a room full of people who share your same goals, same passion, an instructor pushing you, leading you step by step, and motivating you the entire time in a great atmosphere with fun energy.

Come try kickboxing! What does kickboxing entail? In simple terms, kickboxing is a combination of punches and kicks, but as you progress through the program you will gain more knowledge of kickboxing and add more moves – knees, blocks, elbows, angles, and so much more technique.  Kickboxing is not only a great workout but it is also lots of fun! 

Coach Rich is constantly evolving and keeping his game sharp.

You will sweat, guaranteed! Kickboxing is a great workout for all levels from beginners to high level professional athletes. You will love it!

Want to get your heart racing? Want a great cardio workout? You can burn about 500-900 calories during a 60 minute kickboxing session. Kickboxing activates several different muscle groups at once, which tightens and tones your body in those hard to reach places! 

Get your blood circulating and build your endurance one kick, one punch at a time. The quick pace and fast movements keep your heart elevated and as we all know, physical activity helps you control your weight and reduces your chances of developing other conditions that may put a strain on your heart. Heart disease is a major problem in the US and kickboxing helps keep that heart pumping and healthy.

Your entire body is engaged during kickboxing. Your upper body workout includes jabs, crosses, hooks, and uppercuts. Your lower body gets toned with a variety of kicks and knees. Together, this tightens up your core and works on those summer abs! There is always a designated amount of time at the end of class for a quick metabolic conditioning round that consists of very high intensity. These include exercises that burn more calories during your workout and also maximizes the calories that continue to burn after your workout. These kinds of workouts increase your body’s storage and delivery of energy for any activity.

Professor Christian Allen working with UFC’s Neil Magny.

Do you ever feel like you have two left feet? Or that your brain doesn’t send messages to your limbs quick enough? Kickboxing will help you with your coordination. With practice, your combinations will become more advanced, fluid, and smooth. With consistent drilling and practice, these patterns will improve your hand-eye coordination, flexibility, balance, and sharpen your reflexes. We will show you the right moves to improve your balance and coordination while sculpting your muscles. 

Kickboxing not only has great physical benefits but it also relieves stress while building confidence. You feel accomplished when you nail that tricky combination, or finally get that kick right, or perfectly time a slip to avoid your opponent’s jab. Classes are intended to capture your full attention and focus, you won’t have time to think about the stresses outside of the gym. You’ll feel some sort of twisted happiness picturing your desk at work as you kick it to pieces. 

Starting can be intimidating but remember, everyone was once where you were, at the beginning of their journey. It takes time and practice but the fun you have will always outweigh any intimidation factor that is stopping you from trying another class. Do something today for your physical and mental health – it’s priceless. It stimulates your brain as much as it does you muscles.!

Working out CAN be fun and engaging. Come have some fun and get sweaty with us! Whether your goal is to lose weight, tone up, increase endurance, or mixed martial arts…our School of Striking program can help you achieve those goals!

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