The New Normal

The New Normal

Never in our lifetime did we think the world would face a real life virus pandemic straight out of a Netflix movie but there we were. Covid-19 hit the world with a vengeance and shut us down. It was sad. It was scary. It was unbelievable. But it happened. 

The government closed our doors March 18th but we never stopped working. Behind closed doors, we worked our butts off to ensure there was still an academy to come back to. We stayed engaged with our students and were overwhelmed with the support we received during the closure. Everyone was going through very uncertain times yet we remained one giant extended family. 

Like the rest of the world, we relied on social media, YouTube, and Zoom to stay connected with the students the best we could. We hope we provided you with some useful tools to keep you training.

Fast forward to June 1st. We held small group training following strict guidelines for two weeks. As restrictions started to ease up a bit, we slowly added to our schedule. We are ramping back up and taking precautions as outlined by the state. We are getting used to our “new” and hopefully temporary “normal” and trying to make it as seamless for our students as possible. It goes without saying, we are so happy to be back! 

What can you expect?

  • Everyone must wear a mask when entering and exiting the building. 
  • The front door is locked and you must wait for a staff member to take your temperature prior to entering the building. 
  • You must leave your shoes in the front lobby. 
  • Parents and visitors must wait outside.
  • The mat has been taped off into 10 foot squares for everyone’s comfort and safety. 
  • The classes are smaller and more intimate but the energy in the room is such an amazing and refreshing feeling.

Let’s talk about how you can make that long awaited return back to mats as smooth as possible.

  • Set realistic expectations and take it easy. Know your limits. No one will judge you if you’re huffing and puffing while jogging or if your shrimps look more like you’re doing the worm dance. Pretending that your cardio and intensity level is the same post quarantine is unrealistic and dangerous. Push yourself when it makes sense and don’t get impatient with yourself or others. Don’t let anyone set your pace for you.
  • Hopefully you stayed active during the closure with our Zoom classes and were able to get creative training with your spouse, a giant stuffed animal, or a homemade dummy. Most of us probably aren’t in the same shape and gained a few pounds but don’t let that stop you from getting in those doors again. The first few classes back will hurt, hurt so good. 
  • It’s ok to take little breaks. It’s ok to go light. It’s ok to drill. It’s ok to bow off of the mat before you pass out. Your instructor will understand. 
  • As always, leave your ego at the door. Find a partner that will challenge you, even if that means tapping. That being said, be a good partner. Professor Cody always says, “This is the get better mat, NOT the see who’s better mat”. If your partner gets better, you get better. We have a lot of new students who are so eager to learn, so be patient. Be kind. When they learn, you learn. You would be surprised how much your own game can improve by teaching someone. 

Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay active. Like the old saying goes, “two classes a week to maintain and three to gain”. See you at your home away from home!

And remember!

  • Wash your hands. 
  • Wash your gi and rash guard. 
  • Sanitize your gear (gloves, shin guards, gym bags)
  • If you are feeling under the weather, for the love of all things holy, please STAY HOME!
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