November Contest

November Contest

What was your first day of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu like? A collection of brutally honest answers.

  • A lot of discomfort.
  • Getting smashed…a lot. But to be honest, that still happens after months, actually make that years, of training so…
  • I went through a bunch of drills I didn’t understand.  Got beat up by a purple belt for 5 minutes and slept like a baby that night. If you wanna do this, make it a priority. It’s gonna suck for a long time. Do the extra work on the side, homework…and stick with it. 
  • It depends a lot on the school honestly. Some have a beginners curriculum or a class just for white belts. Others will have everyone learning the same stuff. Some don’t let you spar right away and others will. And then there is the intangible aspect of the “vibe” of each place.
  • A big struggle.
  • You can expect to do lots of exercise with relevant movements, which during your first 3 or 4 classes you will not even be able to copy well. That’s ok. You will get very sweaty and tired. Then you will have to concentrate very hard while tired and try to learn techniques as demonstrated. Then you will partner up – don’t be shy, half of the students are newish and don’t have best friends all the time. They want you to give them the look and the handshake and they want to find a partner quickly and get down to business too. Don’t talk to much and get down on trying the demonstrated techniques. All the details matter. You don’t have to remember them all but try to remember a few in the correct order. You have loads of time to try again! Then it will be time to “roll”. You will get smooshed and dominated and you must just tap out! Then smile and go home knowing you are learning some awesome stuff!
  • A lot of sweat.
  • I got armbarred 10 times.
  • I think it takes some courage to go out of a comfort zone and step into an academy to start some martial arts. It’s a very interesting experience, meeting new people and having some first insight into the arts. It was hard and there was physical pain and suffering due to lack of stamina. It gets better over time and you progressively learn and increase your stamina. Hang in there and keep showing up and enjoy the BJJ journey. 
  • Incredibly friendly. So much hugging and lots of being the little spoon. 
  • It hurts!!!
  • I was paired up with a higher belt who showed me the basics like shrimping and stand up and base and break falls. Take it in stride. Feels really awkward at first but you’ll learn. You will get tapped a lot but you’ll learn. I suggest developing a strong base and good guard cause you will be spending a lot of time on your back. Stick with it!
  • Depends on the academy, some throw you in with the sharks but some like to polish you slowly. Getting thrown into the sharks hurts your pride but you still want more. The key is to enjoy it and try not to get hurt or hurt anyone else so be smart about your training. Always be respectful. 
  • My first class was a breeze. They waited until I paid for the first month before beating me up. 
  • I didn’t know my body could move in such ways. I didn’t know my body could hurt in such places. I couldn’t wait for my second class.
  • Survived.

What was your first day of BJJ or Striking like? Share your one sentence answer here and be entered into our month long drawing!

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