High Altitude Martial Arts takes on Red Rocks

High Altitude Martial Arts takes on Red Rocks

HAMA hosted its first Red Rocks workout and it was a great success!

BJJ blue belt and kickboxing blue shirt, Violet, led 30 students and friends in a vigorous hour long workout. She started the group with a warmup consisting of jumping jacks, squats, and push ups. The group was feeling good.

She then broke everyone into groups of 3 for a relay. As one person was jumping up the side ledges, another was doing jump squats, and another was doing step up squats, all utilizing the beautiful Red Rocks amphitheater. The side ledges gradually got higher and higher, increasing the difficulty as you reached the top.

The groups next task was to partner up and run down the stairs of the amphitheater and on the way back up, alternate bear crawls and running on each flight. This is when the group really started to feel the burn! Having a partner to push you along was a great motivator.

Some arm exercises, push ups, and planks were next to slow the groups heart rate down. Violet ended the workout with the “Bring Sally Up, Bring Sally Down” challenge, except instead of squats, they were planks, which was a great twist.

HAMA had a great time and all onlookers could tell, as they were snapping photos and recording the group in their exercises. Some onlookers even joined in on the group fun!

The day ended with a much deserved picnic in the parking lot provided by High Altitude Martial Arts. It was a great way to catch up with everyone and congratulate each other on a successful Sunday morning workout.

Thank you, Violet Duran and all those who participated! Stay tuned for the next one!

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