Postpartum Jiu Jitsu – When Can You Start Training Again?

Disclaimer: This is in no way, shape, or form medical advice. See a licensed medical professional with any and all questions.

There is no real timeline for when you should start training again. Your comeback story will be different from others. It is really going to depend on how you and your body feel. 

Jiu Jitsu is great for the body, mind, and soul. Many women experience some form of postpartum depression and Jiu Jitsu can help combat that. You will be back in your safe space with your favorite people doing something you love. You will get a break from motherhood and be able to fill your cup so you can continue to serve and pour from yours. 

First step is to get medically cleared by your physician which usually occurs at about 6-8 weeks after delivery. Following their advice, create a plan that you think will work for you. Speak to your teammates and coaches, they too will help you come up with a plan for your return while keeping you safe. Also seek out those moms (and dads) who have children and get their first hand experience and advice. 

Take It Slow

Jiu Jitsu and the mats will always be here. Take your time and make sure you are healed before jumping into training or you risk getting injured when returning to training too early or pushing yourself too far, too fast. Ease back into training both in frequency and intensity. Our memory, both muscle and mind, are exceptional and you will start to get back into the groove. 

You may find your head and heart are ready to start training before your body is. It can be a slow and steady process and be patient with yourself! 

Warm Up & Stretch

Especially focus on getting your core reactivated by doing crunches and sit ups. It’s completely shot after pregnancy. 

Kegels and pelvic floor exercises are great for core and abs stability.

Don’t Push It

Only do what feels right to you. If you feel tightness or pain, it is ok to stop. Your body may not be ready for particular movements. Your core strength will take some time to come back. Listen to your body!

Cool Down

Your body’s still in recovery mode. Be sure to take some time to cool down. Walk with your hands above your head, take some deep breaths, and stretch.


  • Pump right before class 
  • Wear a tight sports bra
  • Let your partner know you just had a baby and advise them of any ailments you might have

Be kind to yourself. Appreciate your body and what it just went through. You will get back to your pre pregnancy badass Jiu Jitsu self. It will take time and dedication. Studies show it can take a woman 2 years to fully recover from child bearing, labor, delivery, and nursing so give yourself a break and know you will get there! Motherhood changes female martial artists both physically and mentally.

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