When Can I Start Sparring?

Many of you will eventually start to wonder when you can start sparring. And the short answer is, when we tell you that you are ready. You stay focused and keep training. And leave the rest up to us. How will you know? You reach certain ranks. Here at High Altitude Martial Arts, we have created a ranking system within our School of Striking that helps us determine each student’s skill level. Everyone who joins our academy starts off as a white shirt, whether it is the first class you have ever taken or whether you have been training for years. Why? Our system is one of a kind, uniquely designed by our high level coaches. Your current skills, knowledge, and experience might not directly translate over to our system and it will give our coaches a chance to evaluate your skill level. It will take time, dedication, practice, and most of all patience. 

Some students come to the gym with zero desire to ever spar. While others walk in the door and are chomping at the bit to start sparring. We have a place and program for anyone on either side of the sparring spectrum. 

I have experience, why can’t I spar?

We need to get to know you and you need to get to know us and our striking system. The coaches want to see your technique and more importantly, your control. By control we mean your pace, your output, your emotions. We need to keep you and our other students safe. While oftentimes there is no doubt in your abilities, we simply don’t want anyone to get hurt. Emotions run high during sparring and both parties need to know when to pull back.

What’s the fastest way for me to start sparring?

The quickest way to start sparring is to start coming to class consistently. Two classes a week to maintain, three classes a week to gain. Show up, be present, and learn the fundamentals. You will start progressing up in our ranking system and will be able to start tech sparring in no time. Be sure to vocalize your goals to your coach so they can help you create a plan to get you where you want to be. They aren’t mind readers.

What is tech sparring?

Technical (tech) sparring is for orange shirts and above. It is a great place to start to put what you learn in class to the test. You are controlled and not trying to hurt each other. Rather, you tone down your power and focus on technique and footwork. Working with a live, moving target who is also trying to hit you back gets you used to reaction time. You get to work on your offense and your defense. You start to put everything you have learned together.

Once you get to green shirt, you are able to take intermediate/advanced tech sparring. The pace is faster. The skill level of you and your partners are higher. 

When can I spar and take mixed martial arts (MMA) class?

Striking sparring sessions are reserved for blue shirts and above. MMA class is for green shirts and up who also have at least 2 stripes on their white belt. 

Newbie sparring tips

Find a partner that will work with you, not against you. A partner who will communicate well with you and tell you if you are hitting too hard or not enough. Someone who is within your skill level. What is nice, especially at High Altitude Martial Arts, everyone wears their rank shirt so it makes it easier to identify who you should work with. There are times when you will be working with someone who is not within your rank and this is truly a way to learn. If you are the higher rank working with a new white shirt, it will test your knowledge and patience as you walk them through their first classes. If you are a lower rank working with a higher shirt, take this opportunity to learn and appreciate the time this person is offering you out of their day.

  1. Look for someone within rank
  2. Speak to the coach teaching the class 
  3. Find out what they are working on for that day
  4. Speak with the partner you are sparring with and let them know what you are comfortable with
  5. Sparring classes require a mouth guard, shin guards and gloves. 

Sparring is fun and exciting. It really puts you and your skills to the test. Take care of yourself and your sparring partners.

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