Kickboxing – How Do I Get Started?

Kickboxing – How Do I Get Started?

The High Altitude Martial Arts School of Striking offers kickboxing which is a blend of Dutch K1, Western Boxing and Muay Thai that can also serve as a fast paced cardio workout. If you are looking for a intense and upbeat form of kickboxing, the kickboxing could be the answer to your fitness goals.

Stepping into the gym and taking your first kickboxing class can be intimadating but come mentally and physically prepared and you will crush it.

Choosing a gym

The wonderful World Wide Web will provide you a directly of the gyms in your are that offer kickboxing classes. Do you research. Read Google reviews. Check out the gyms social media. Find one that checks your boxes such as location, hours, class times, and overall vibe. You can pretty much tell if it’s going to be love at first site based on your initial search. Your goals will also help you choose the right gym. Make sure the gym aligns with those goals.

Make a plan

Once you choose a gym, make sure the schedule works for you. You want to take at least 2 classes a week. Choose the days you will attend class. Meal plan for before and after your class. You want to make sure you are setting yourself up for success by having a solid plan that you are able to hold yourself accountable. Set small attainable goals. Don’t try to squeeze this in, make time for it so you can give it the attention it deserves.

Set up a trial class

Submitting your information to sign up for a trial class is the first step. Most gyms offer a trial class to make sure they are a good fit for you. And you for them. Arrive early with your kickboxing gloves (most gyms have gloves you can borrow your first class). Dress in comfortable workout clothes. Come with an open mind and be ready to get your sweat on. Ask questions and try to be present.

Mentally prepare

Your first class is going to be hard. It is going to be intense. You are going to get tired. You may get frustrated because you aren’t getting the technique down. You are going to feel scared, excited, anxious, proud, and exhausted all at the same time. Don’t beat yourself up if you had to take some breaks. If you didn’t understand the footwork or nail the combinations. It’s your first class. It takes time and practice. Know you will get better every class.

Physically prepare

Waiting until you are physically ready to start kickboxing class is like waiting to start school until you are smart. You see the problem here. While it may be easier physically for someone who is used to working out to get through class, it is still new to them. Their bodies and minds are not yet trained. Someone who is not active may not only struggle with learning kickboxing, keeping up physically will also be a challenge. This is where warming up, taking breaks, drinking water, and cooling down will really help.

There is not better time to start than now. Don’t let the idea of going into a martial arts gym scare you. Our staff is here to walk you through it every step of the way.

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