How to Throw a Jab and a Cross in Kickboxing

How to Throw a Jab and a Cross in Kickboxing

In Kickboxing, there are many strikes that you can use in a fight and while training. Lets analyze the jab and cross. What is the jab? How do we use the jab? How does the the footwork of a jab look? We will look at the same questions for the cross. These are the first two throws you will likely learn by taking Kickboxing fundamentals classes. You will learn how to use your feet while using your hands. Learn how to use your brain to control breathing, sight and flow. 


The anatomy of a jab:

Eyes up, chin down. Step out with your lead foot/leg, pressing firmly on the ground. Extend your lead arm out forward from the shoulder by extending the arm out with a closed fist and slightly turn the hand in a fist at the last moment. All this motion happens at lightning speed. Your arm should be extended out in a straight line from your chin out to your hand in line. The power in a jab does come from your whole body.

How to use the jab:

The jab is used mostly as a finder of distance of your opponent. Keeping your opponent in the range that is comfortable for you. The jab is also used to test the waters to see if your opponent has a weakness and to also occupy space. The jab can be a heavy jab or a light jab or touch. The jab is used to chip away at your opponent and view their reaction time. 

Footwork of a jab:

Step forward with your lead leg. Stepping into the jab. Keeping light on your feet. 


The anatomy of a cross:

The cross has to cross the most distance to be a powerful punch. 

To build a powerful punch as the cross you have to have the proper stance. Always be light on your feet. It is a natural transfer of power in your body and legs. Normally the cross is thrown in a straight line from the initial starting point to the target. Begin by planting your feet to generate power in the base, explode forward on the ball of your lead foot while pivoting the rear foot to turn inward. At the same time, twist the torso with an open hip toward the direction of your opponent while throwing your rear fist, aiming at your opponent’s chin or nose area.

When you use the cross:

As a power hand, you will use a cross once learned the proper technique will lead into other throws such as the overhand, spitfire leads and powerful opponent ending punches. A cross can also be used in a leading into a powerful kick or knee for your opponent. 


Now as was stated before the cross comes from a solid base while being light in your feet and body. I know if doesn’t make sense but it is a big transfer of power between your body and feet. As you step into the cross your back foot turns so slightly driving down into the foot and drive out of the shoulder to the arm into the hand. As you are walking slightly with a jab then step with a cross step with the back foot and then throw the punch. 

These two punches in a fundamentals class is the best starting point in the journey to learning new techniques as you develop into a better fighter. Even the best fighters go back to basics, honing their skills relearning basic techniques. Always remember your basic skills and it will help you on your journey to becoming a very excellent technical fighter.  

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