What Is A Jiu Jitsu Roll-Off?

What Is A Jiu Jitsu Roll-Off?

Think of a Jiu Jitsu roll-off as a in house Brazilian Jiu Jitsu tournament. This is the perfect opportunity for you to get some exposure and practice to what a Jiu Jitsu tournament feels like in the comfort of your home academy, amongst familiar faces. The roll-off gives you an opportunity to compete live with submissions and chokes in a safe and controlled environment. It’s also a ton of fun. You can invite family and friends to come watch you compete and show off what you have been working on.

High Altitude Martial Arts typically hosts two roll-offs a year. February 11th’s roll-off is extra special because it is in our new location and is also our brown and black belt promotion day. We now have plenty of space for multiple matches and spectators.

Who Can Compete?

  • Blue Belt Roll-Off

Three and four striped white belts are encouraged to sign up. Two striped white belts are welcome to sign up once they get a coaches approval.

  • Purple Belt Roll-Off

All blue belts are welcome to participate. There are time requirements when going from blue to purple per IBJJF rules, should you win and not have met the time requirements, you will get a stripe or two. Plus you get bragging rights!

*Last day to sign up is Feb 8th

How To Prepare For The Roll-Off?

  • Train in the gi
  • Ask your coach and Professors for pointers on the point system
  • Read the rules
  • Eat a healthy breakfast
  • Bring a healthy snack
  • Warm up and strecth
  • Drink lots of water and stay hydrated


We will follow IBJJF rules.


10am – Please join us for a fun hour of Randori. The Saturday “Sweaty Yeti” sessions have been jam packed with high level belts and amazing talent. This is a great way to warm up and roll with your teammates before they get promoted.

1130am – Please invite family and friends to attend the brown and black belt promotion ceremony. You have been working very hard for your promotion and are welcome to share it with your loved ones.

1230pm – Cut off for roll-off check in. We will have the brackets set 3 days prior and this allows for some last minute adjustments.

1pm – White belts will compete in a double elimination bracket and blue belts will do the same. The matches will be held simultaneously. Please be dressed in your gi and ready to go when your name is called. Once we get down to the finals, the matches will be held one at a time.

It’s going to be a great day to break in these new mats. Hope to see you there!

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