6 Things To Do When Your Child Wants To Quit Martial Arts

6 Things To Do When Your Child Wants To Quit Martial Arts

Your child has been attending Jiu Jitsu or Kickboxing class and they seem to enjoy it. You watch them roll around and laugh with their friends. You see them punching and kicking and learning. Then they tell you they want to quit. Children are in the process of discovering themselves and trying out everything so when they feel it’s time to quit one thing to move on to another…should you let them? Try these first. 

Martial arts should be fun and should bring them joy. It should enrich their lives. There are many benefits to training martial arts…helps them develop life skills like focus, confidence, control, and discipline all while maintaining a healthy lifestyle for their bodies and brains. When your child comes to you and says they want to quit here are some things to consider. 

Ask them why.

Is it because they had a hard class? Is it because they are not understanding something? Are they bored because the class is either too fundamental or advanced for them? Is there someone or something in that particular class that is making them feel this way?

Is the program and academy the right fit?

Do you see value in the program and academy? Are they meeting your needs and your child’s needs? A good martial arts academy operates with an “open door policy” so you should be able to speak to your child’s coach with any concerns. They should accept any and all feedback and work on correcting any issues and providing extra support to your child. It could be a simple fix. Communication is key!

Talk to the coaches and staff!

Is your child concerned with their progress in class? Wondering why they are not advancing in rank or why they can’t seem to nail down a certain move or drill? Your child’s coach might be able to give some tips, work with them to make some changes for them to succeed and excel. They might just need to speak with their coach to ensure that they are doing well and not falling behind the other students. Their coach might have just the right pep talk up their sleeve to get them to want to continue training. There might just be some miscommunication that can easily be cleared up. 

Track their progress.

Sit down with your child and talk about the progress they have made since starting. Tell them how they started and about how far they have come. Show them the progress they have made been learning new skills and mastering them. Tell them the next rank or promotion is likely around the corner, they just need to keep training hard. Be sure to show them where they can go in the future if they continue. 

Remind them of the friends they have made.

Reflect on all the friends they have at the academy. And explain there are many more friends to be made as martial arts is great for making new friends who have similar interests. Aside from attending class, attend the other events that the academy hosts to further foster friendships. Even staying after class for a bit to watch other classes to let your children bond with others is beneficial. Showing up for class and leaving right after might feel rushed. They may have just clicked with someone in class, give them a few minutes to reflect and interact. 

Change it up. 

Your child may just need a little change in their routine. Maybe change the days they are taking class or the class times if possible. Speak to the coach about changing their partners. Encourage your child to partner up with someone new. 

Unlike other sports, martial arts is year round and never has an off season. It is ok to take a break and come back. A break may just be what your child needs. They may be burnt out and just need to take some time to fall back in love. We always say martial arts is a lifelong journey. It is a marathon, not a sprint and we will be right here waiting to cheer you on!

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