What Should I Wear For BJJ Class? (Gi and No-Gi)

What Should I Wear For BJJ Class? (Gi and No-Gi)

When it comes to what to wear to your Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) classes there are no right answers but there are certainly wrong answers. Without a lot of experience this can be confusing for new BJJ students, but here we will explain what you should wear and what you should avoid wearing to your first class(es).

Gi Classes

First and foremost, you need to wear a Gi. This can be somewhat of an investment for new students, particularly in addition to the costs of classes. At HAMA, we Gi’s available for all students to borrow for the first couple weeks of classes. They are washed in-house after every use, so just ask the front desk for one at the start of class and drop it off at the front when you’re done. We heavily encourage students to get their own Gi as soon as possible because we do have a limited number available and can’t supply them for every member of the gym at once. Having your own Gi also ensures proper fit, functionality, and style. the Gi’s are primarily for students trying their first class. Once you become a member, you should purchase your Gi as soon as possible. You may purchase one online as well. When the time comes and you decide to compete, we do ask that you get our patch on your Gi.

Under the Gi

You should wear a light shirt and shorts/pants. Gi’s can get very hot and sweaty during training so limiting the number and thickness of layers underneath can be helpful. You should always wear underwear of some kind under your Gi as it is common for your pants to be pulled down partially or fully during a roll. We recommend your shirt be made of sweat wicking material and to avoid heavy/thick cotton materials that will trap sweat and heat. BJJ specific training shirts are commonly called “rashguards” and can be purchased at our front desk or from online retailers like Amazon. If you wear pants, tight athletic pants are best and again you should avoid any thick or cotton material that will trap sweat and heat (think non-flared yoga pants). Any kind of shorts are generally fine for Gi BJJ, as long as they are comfortable. Your clothes will inevitably be pulled and tugged on during training so having tight, athletic clothing on underneath will prevent you from feeling stuffy and hot beneath your Gi.

No Gi Classes

Similarly to Gi classes, you should try to wear light and athletic clothing. In addition to keeping you cool and dry, baggy clothes with pockets can trap you or your partners hands/feet while rolling which is not supposed to happen in No Gi BJJ. Rashguards are the top of choice for No Gi. What a lot of people think of as athletic shorts, particularly men’s athletic shorts, aren’t the best as they tend to be baggy with pockets. Running shorts tend to work better as they are often made to be tighter fitting and without pockets. A common material is tight synthetic polyester shorts/pants (sometimes called spandex) that will wick sweat while also preventing any snags during training. Spats (leggings) are commonly worn because they are tight, retain sweat, and you don’t have to worry about accidentally flashing anyone.

  • No tank tops
  • Men must wear shorts over their spats/leggings

The most important thing when it comes to what to wear in BJJ is being comfortable and functional. You’ll find that students at our gym wear every shape, color, and kind of clothing to class. Stop by the front desk and check out the most functional and fashionable gear.

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