What Is Shadowboxing?

What Is Shadowboxing?

Shadowboxing is not only great for warming up before kickboxing class, it is an excellent full body workout that tones muscles and helps you work on technique. 

What is it?

Shadowboxing is just that, using your own shadow or reflection to simulate an opponent. You are practicing and perfecting your form without a bag or partner. This helps you work on movement, punching, kicking, and range. Most of your classmates are so focused on themselves, no one is watching you. This is your time to get out of your own head and leave your ego at the door. While this may feel extremely awkward and unnatural at first, it is used by amateurs and professionals alike. Attacking air might take a bit to get used to but it can benefit your training and health. 

Shadowing boxing may first consist of basic kickboxing moves and eventually evolve into complex combinations. This is a great place to work on your spinning elbows and flying knees. You will learn how to control your range which will translate to better accuracy on an opponent. Shadowboxing will hone your capability to deliver more power with every punch.

Warm Up

Warming up before taking class is extremely important. Warming up prevents injury, increases flexibility, and establishes healthy transitions from inactivity to activity and vice versa. For kickboxing, warming up is vital to have a great workout. 

Improving Form And Technique

Improving form and technique means maximizing accuracy and power. Shadowboxing allows you to focus on your stance and moment without worrying about a partner or opponent. This allows you to reinforce good habits and correct the not so good ones. It’s a great time to perfect your stance and make sure your feet are in ideal positions with your hands up and chin down. 

Once you nail down your form, you can focus on the attacks you are throwing. If you are working to improve your jab then this is the time to really focus on it. Shadowing boxing can help make punches snap more while being controlled. You are able to fully extend and snap those punches back.

Work on your footwork and move around. Your partner and/or opponent are never standing still. Work on ring control and finding range after striking. It is important to work on circling, pivoting, and moving with your hands up and staying focused on the target, not what your feet are doing. No better time to work on switching stances and side stepping.

Creating Muscle Memory

Repeating kickboxing moves will train your muscles and enhance muscle memory. Performing the same motions over and over will increase consistency,  improve accuracy, and provide more power. Being able to visualize an opponent when there isn’t one will make all these moves second nature when there is one. 

Increased Balance

Balance is essential to martial arts. Shadowboxing will help you better understand your center of balance. You will be able to stay grounded which will give you more control over executing your moves. 

Great Workout

While it may not look like a good workout, give it a try and you will be surprised. Shadowboxing incorporates many major muscle groups and gets your heart rate up. It burns fat and tones muscles. It strengthens your core. You will feel the burn in your shoulders, triceps, biceps, and abs.

Anywhere, Anytime

You don’t need gloves or any other gear, you don’t need a partner, you don’t need a bag, you don’t even need to be at the gym. Shadow boxing can be done anywhere, anytime. 

Level Up Your Fight Game

Using shadowboxing and being able to flow will give you an advantage. Being able to flow requires the right state of mind, being able to visualize your opponent while merging footwork, strikes, blocks, kicks, body movement together into a flawless routine. Practice moves and create combinations on your visualized opponent. 

Use shadowboxing if you want to sharpen your kickboxing skills. Use it before class to loosen up your muscles and get them warmed up for kickboxing class.

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