Kids Kickboxing – Is It Safe?

Kids Kickboxing – Is It Safe?

Kids seem to have a natural curiosity towards “fighting”. They love play fighting by punching and kicking. Parents start wrestling with their kids at a young age as a form of play. Many kids express at a young age that they want to start some form of martial arts. As with any sport there are risks but if practiced safely, the risks are minimal. Kickboxing is a great way to get them introduced to martial arts.

Let’s take a look at the most common misconceptions.

Kickboxing is dangerous

Most kids who learn martial arts rarely use what they learn in class outside of the gym. The kids learn to be moderators to fights on the playground and can help diffuse situations. The classes have an element of ‘mat chats’ which teaches manners, discipline, and leadership skills. 

Any contact sport, if not practiced can be dangerous. Here, our kids learn self control. They are taught when and how to punch, kick, and block. They learn how to hit, where to hit, how to control their pace, speed, and intensity level. 

Kickboxing is only for mixed martial arts fighters 

MMA (mixed martial arts) is on the rise and many kids are interested in it at a young age. While some kids may wish to be a professional athlete in the future, many are just learning the sport. They are getting a good workout, learning a new skill, making friends, and having fun. 

Kickboxing not only teaches physical skills, it also teaches life skills including focus, respect, discipline, and resilience. 

Our kickboxing program is game based. Kids forget they are learning when they are having fun. Kids have the freedom of being creative with their kickboxing. They are able to put their own unique spin and create their own style. 

Kickboxing is too difficult for little kids

As with anything, it may take some time for a child to get the hang of things. It is a fun challenge and as skills develop, it comes easier for the kids. Their brains and limbs learn how to work together incredibly well.  

Initially you may see more of a learning curve but that is normal. The brain is creating new pathways and learning to rapidly send and receive signals. All kids learn at their own pace and kickboxing is a fun challenge. Your child will learn to be comfortable being uncomfortable and they will grow from it.

Kickboxing will make my kid too aggressive

Your kids are constantly running around fighting each other and you actually want them to stop fighting so why would you put them in kickboxing class? 

Well, our classes will teach your child to channel their energy in a positive way. They will learn how to talk about their problems, who to tell about their problems, and how to defend themselves if the other two tactics don’t work. 

Kickboxing may actually help you get your kids’ aggression out in a healthy way and in a safe environment. 

Kids who train in martial arts are not usually aggressors, they are disciplined and handle confrontation without using aggression. They may use what they learned in self defense and are so confident in themselves and their skills that they know when and how to use it. 

Kickboxing for kids is safe. It is fun. It builds confidence. It has many physical and emotional benefits at all ages!

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