How Kickboxing Helped My Dyslexic 7 Year Old Daughter

How Kickboxing Helped My Dyslexic 7 Year Old Daughter

I stumbled across the High Altitude Martial Arts website while Googling “boxing class in Aurora, CO” and this was the top result. They have an impressive number of Google reviews so I called the gym and spoke to a very kind gentleman who assured me my daughter would be safe here and have a blast in class. 

I was hesitant because my daughter was struggling in school. She is dyslexic so sightly behind her classmates. She receives special tutoring a few times a week and while this helped with her dyslexia, it caused her to stand out and be bullied in class. As a mom, my heart breaks for her. I had read that martial arts can help with dyslexia so it’s worth a shot right? I also figured martial arts might help with her self confidence and get those bullies off her back.

And boy, was I right! The staff and other families at High Altitude are so great. From the moment we walked in, we could feel the support. After just a few months of classes, my daughter showed great improvement in many areas of her life.

I was shocked to see how well she did with her hand/eye coordination in class. I could see this translate to her schoolwork, as if her brain learned a new tool to help her combat dyslexia. She was able to focus for longer periods of time. 

She met many friends who she could laugh and play with. Who had something unique and special in common…kickboxing. They celebrated each other’s promotions and high fives and hugs were the norm.

Her confidence shot through the roof! She is no longer timid and has learned how to defend herself from negative words through what the coaches at High Altitude call “mat chats”. 

My daughter absolutely loves kickboxing and looks forward to it every week. I highly recommend kickboxing and truly believe it helps in all areas of life. 

Martial arts is a brain boosting activity. Dyslexia is most recognized through reading difficulty and categorized as a learning disability. 

How can martial arts individuals with dyslexia?

  • Develop Motor Skills – Children with dyslexia have trouble crossing the midline of their body. Kickboxing drills are designed to cross the midline and fire up neural pathways to the brain making it easier to recall previous material. These drills incorporate using opposite hands and feet which gives the brain it’s own workout. Brain speed is increased and problem solving neurological pathways are being made. Repetitive combinations and movements improve motor skills. While learning may initially come as a challenge for children with dyslexia, through practice and developing muscle memory, they can experience great success with martial arts and cognitive development which will translate to other areas of their life. 
  • Increase Focus – Concentration may be difficult for children with dyslexia. Kickboxing is great for practicing self-control and self-awareness. Focus oriented drills that require students to hit specific target with a specific strike can help focus their mind and body. By training the mind and body to work together, dyslexia symptoms seem to improve. 
  • Self Discipline – Making the commitment to work through challenges is exhausting yet extremely rewarding. Children may get discouraged but as they continue training and learn discipline, focus, and perseverance, you will see a difference in their academic challenges. Children who train in martial arts are more equipped to tackle challenges head on and over come distractions.
  • Practice Sequencing – What is sequencing? It is the ability to put things in specific order and memorize the sequence, such as the days of the week or months of the year. Things like counting may seem to come naturally to some but may be challenging for others because the brain has trouble putting these items in sequential order. Kickboxing helps develop sequencing skills though repetitive instruction. It challenges the brain to work with your motor skills. All while having fun so you forget you are learning. 
  • Confidence – Children constantly struggle with self confidence as they grow and navigate life away from their parents. Those with dyslexia can struggle even more. Martial arts training boosts confidence. Even when they are struggling in school, this gives them a chance to excel outside of school and feel equal to or even superior (in a respectful way of course). They will celebrate mastering techniques and getting promoted in class and feel more confident about themselves on and off the mat.
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