Academy Etiquette For Martial Arts Newbies

Academy Etiquette For Martial Arts Newbies

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2022. Are you ready to start your martial arts journey in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or Kickboxing or both?! Follow these guidelines to start your journey off on the right foot. 

#1 Make Friends

Before you walk in for your first class, you would have already made a friend…the super friendly front desk staff member who got you all set up for your orientation. Once you check in, you should have met a few other staff members and a coach or two. 

  • Introduce yourself! 
  • Shake some hands. 
  • Give some fist bumps. 

You will likely be spending a lot of time with these people. Making friends will make your time on the mat more enjoyable. You have martial arts in common at the very least. 

#2 Arrive Early

On time is late. Arrive early. 

  • Get dressed.
  • Fiil up your water bottle.
  • Chat with friends from #1.
  • Clear your mind and leave the craziness of the outside world and your life at the door.

This is YOU time. Make the best use of it. Everyone deserves it because remember, can’t fill from an empty cup. 

#3 Keep An Open Mind

Approach each class with an open mind. 

  • Be prepared to learn. 
  • Be receptive to feedback and advice from coaches and other students to grow and improve your skills. 

You will be tested both physically and mentally every class, expect adversity and have fun. Don’t be the guy that comes in with a ‘know-it-all-attitude’. There is room for everyone to improve and we mean everyone, from Joe from down the street to Coach Cory Sandhagen (only ranked the #3 UFC Bantamweight). If he’s in the gym sharpening his tools, you should be too. 

  • Be respectful. 
  • Call Black Belts, Professors. 
  • Address instructors as Coach. 
  • Bow on and off the mat. 

#4 So Fresh, So Clean

Nothing is worse than being partnered up with someone who has a smelly gi or gloves that smell like wet, moldy socks. Make sure you clean and sanitize your gear after every session. Stuffing them in the bottom of your gym back when they are still wet is a no no.

#5 Hygiene

Shower before (if possible) and especially after class

Clip your nails…fingers and toes

#6 Control Yourself

Going back to #3. Don’t hurt yourself or others. This is the get better mat, not the see who is better mat. It’s ok to match someone’s pace but if you’re not into it, you have more than every right to ask them to take a down a notch. Some days you will be partnered up with someone whose goal it is to compete. Other days your partner just wants to have fun, learn, and get in shape. You should have those days too.

#7 Accountability

  • Make friends so you can hold each other accountable. 
  • Make a training plan and stick to it.
  • Write down your goals. 

Most of all, enjoy the ride! Be prepared to join a whole new club and make lifelong friends while working on your mental and physical health.

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