What Should I Eat After Martial Arts Training?

What Should I Eat After Martial Arts Training?

You are what you eat. Diet starts in the kitchen. I’m sure you’ve heard these sayings time and time again. We talked about what to eat before you train, now let’s look at what you should eat after you train. 

Drink up.

Before, during and after to prevent hydration. Water is the best way to replace lost fluids but a sports drink can help maintain the balance between electrolytes and your energy level. 

What to eat right after you train?

Proteins – Muscle fibers are made up of amino acids which are supplied by proteins. They convert into muscle and muscle fibers. A breakdown of muscle proteins during training is normal so you need to consume protein right after you are done training. 

Carbs and nutrients – Your body also needs good carbohydrates and nutrients to restore energy.

Some of our favorite post training snacks include:

  • Banana
  • Greek yogurt and fruit
  • Peanut butter
  • Low-fat chocolate milk
  • Pretzels
  • Turkey
  • Post-workout recovery smoothie

Here are some of our favorite post training meals:

  • Brunch
    • Egg omelet
    • Avocado on whole grain toast
    • Tuna salad or with crackers
    • Oatmeal with nuts or fruit
    • Fruit/Veggie smoothie
    • Acai
  • Dinner
    • Salmon with sweet potato
    • Grilled chicken with veggies and rice


Learn to maximize your training by understanding the connection between eating and exercise. Muscles break down while you train and fuel them with food to help rebuild them. Help your body and mind recover for a long, healthy life filled with martial arts training. 

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