How To Help Your Kids Stay Motivated in Martial Arts

How To Help Your Kids Stay Motivated in Martial Arts

In every area of their lives, parents have their kids’ best interest at heart. This is no different, of course, while training at a martial arts school. Kids from ages as young as three to as old as eighteen participate in martial arts around the world. Whether your child is just learning how to put together full sentences or packing up to move out to college, one thing that every child needs is motivation. Motivation is a key factor to success both in martial arts and in the broader spectrum of life. Here are five of the most effective ways to maintain your child’s drive throughout their martial arts journey.

#1 Match their energy.

  • Some people perceive that their child’s performance reflects upon them as a parent. The reality is that kids may feel differently towards their training than you do.
  • Match your child’s energy and investment level in a way that will give them encouragement without being overbearing. 
  • If you try to force the world-champion mindset upon them, they may develop a negative perception of their own goals and feelings towards martial arts. 
  • Of course children can sometimes have unrealistic ambitions, but the energy and excitement they feel are very real and applicable to their training. 
  • Children want to please their parents; so when a parent’s level of involvement doesn’t match their kid’s aspirations, their motivation decreases significantly.
  • It’s important to recognize that your child may not feel the way you do towards their training. Listening to your kid will help you support them the way they need.

#2 Familiarize your child (and yourself) with failure.

  •  While most people share this mentality, the constant goal to avoid failure may be one of the most damaging perspectives your child can have in their martial arts journey.
  • Failure is seen as something that’s inherently bad, but the difference between sore losers and successful athletes is how they approach failure.
  • Take time to explain to your child that failure is nothing more than an opportunity to learn. These opportunities, when handled appropriately, produce immense amounts of growth–some of which couldn’t be achieved through a perfect winning streak.
  • Remember, failure comes in many shapes and sizes.Regardless of what form it takes, failure is a way for both coaches and students to learn where the child can improve.
  • Winning may feel nice, but it only showcases what a person excels at. Failure displays the specific areas in which a child can improve upon, which is much more valuable. 
  • Remove the stigma from failure, and your child will be much less disheartened the next time they experience it. They may even be motivated to push through that failure and gain more skills!

#3 Compliment them strategically.

  • Kids need constant reassurance and encouragement, especially when they are trying new things. It’s good to praise your child for their effort and progress, not their winning or losing.
  •  Some compliments may direct your child’s subconscious to goals that are more hurtful than helpful. A child who is praised more for winning than for their work ethic will start to chase gold medals instead of personal improvement. 
  • Be aware of the harmful habits that some compliments may develop–focusing instead on your child’s development.
  • It’s great to point out growth to your kid, but make sure you establish you are proud of them always, regardless of their progress.
  • Children who feel loved and supported by their parents tend to listen to them more, and function at a higher capacity overall. 

#4 Teach your child about delayed gratification.

  • In a world where most everything is tailored towards instant gratification, tasks that take time and effort can seem daunting.
  • Delayed gratification is a rare phenomenon that is prevalent in martial arts, so it’s important to teach your child patience while they’re young. 
  • Progress takes time, especially in martial arts. The real accomplishment is persistence and determination, which are imperative for the long process of martial arts.
  • The younger you can instill them, the more motivated they will be in the future when hitting a “lull” in their training. 

#5 Stay consistent.

  • You as a parent have a responsibility to sticking to these values just as much as your child does.
  • Children are highly empathetic and will feel your lack of motivation towards their training. 
  • If you don’t exemplify the traits you want them to have, it will be hard for them to stay motivated as well.
  • Staying consistent in your support, encouragement, and involvement will keep them motivated. 

The journey of martial arts, whether your child or your own can feel long and difficult. Remember you are not alone. Don’t be afraid to reach out to coaches, other parents, and people at the gym. We’re all here to help each other become the best versions of ourselves that we can be.

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