4 Benefits of Youth Kickboxing Class for Kids

4 Benefits of Youth Kickboxing Class for Kids

Children and teenagers benefit from regular exercise, with advantages ranging from better study habits, improved sleep patterns and instilling deeper interest in healthy lifestyle. 

Are you looking for something your children can do to stay active? Especially in today’s climate with remote learning and limited extra curricular activities? Kickboxing is a great option! Not only does it help children stay physically fit, it offers a considerable range of other benefits, including these four:

1. Develop Physical Fitness

  • Under the guidance of our highly trained staff, children will learn how to build strength and endurance while minimizing the risk of injury. 
  • Classes emphasize a number of different muscle movements that incorporate full-body workouts, including arm strength, fast-twitch muscle-fiber development, and greater range of motion. 
  • Children will develop strong hand-eye coordination, muscle memory, and lengthen their attention span and focus.

2. Discipline

  • Like any martial art, kickboxing emphasizes in respecting other students and their coaches. 
  • Equally valuable is that students learn to respect themselves—a skill that can give them confidence for whatever comes their way inside or outside of the classroom. Parents and coaches can immediately notice the boost in self esteem. 
  • They learn how NOT to be a bully and how to de-escalate a situation with a bully, should one arise.
  • Their newly found confidence will radiate at school, at home, and on the mat. 
  • They learn how to set realistic goals, how to work to achieve those goals, and learn the gratifying feeling of reaching a goal.

3. Ability to Be Part of a Team

  • Our unique style of kickboxing allows students to partner up with one another, where each pair is not only focusing on building their own skills, they encourage and build each other’s skills. The friendly competition and support in every class makes a student group feel like a team. Being able to act as a contributing member of that team is an attribute that a child can carry forward for a lifetime. 
  • When a child learns teamwork, the result can be profound, from a greater sense of empathy to stronger social connections to better emotional control. They can problem-solve on a different level and have a collaborative attitude toward others.

4. Have Fun

  • While it’s true that kids will be gaining strength and learning important skills in kickboxing, they’ll also be having a great time. That can have a ripple effect in many ways. It teaches them that hard work doesn’t have to be a drag, that it’s worth the time and effort to increase ability, and, most of all, that fitness can be an engaging and worthwhile pursuit.  
  • They quickly make friends with the other students. The mat is filled with lots of laughter. 
  • Oftentimes, the children forget they are working out and learning through our innovative way of teaching.

Did you know that Kickboxing can help children with ADD, ADHD, and Dsleyxia? Read more here.

If you want your child or teen to tap into these benefits, consider signing him or her up for a youth trial kickboxing class! Our youth kickboxing program has been developed and taught by UFC’s Cory Sandhangen. While he is busy with a full time job and pursuing UFC greatness, he still finds coaching the kids two days a week – one of his greatest joys. 

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