Superhero Saves Sister

Superheroes are real. Some have that natural ability and were born that way, like six year old, Bridger Walker, from Cheyenne, Wyoming. On July 9th, Bridger valiantly protected his younger sister when she was being attacked by a dog. He selflessly stepped between the charging dog and his sister. He was consequently bit several times on the face and head. With the dog latched on his cheek, he yelled at his sister to run. When the dog released Bridger, he somehow managed to run to his sister, grab her hand, and led her to safety. 

He later said to his dad, “If someone had to die, I thought it should be me”. His face was swollen and bruised, and approximately 90 stitches lined his face from his lips to his ear. 

Bridger has always been extremely close to his little sister since she was born and the two share a very special bond. For the past two years, they have been training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu together, alongside their big brother and father, who is a blue belt. Talk about family goals!

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu was able to hold Bridger’s attention starting at just four years old. Although he was one of the youngest and smallest in the class, that never stopped him. Instead, it challenged him to confront larger and more experienced opponents regularly. Bridger found true camaraderie among the students he shares the sport of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu with, as his parents say, his closest friends train BJJ together at the academy. There’s nothing better than the spirit of good friendship and loyalty among members of a group. His favorite move is “the 7 year old choke” and his father can attest that he is quite good at it. 

Before Covid, following his big brother’s footsteps, Bridger insisted on competing in a local grappling tournament where he took 4th place. Not everyone is brave enough to step on the mats and compete but even fewer people would courageously step in the middle of a dog attack. It is safe to say we can attribute some of his warrior spirit, calm state of mind, and quick thinking to the beautiful art of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

After receiving much attention, the family settled on a simple request, “May we each actively strive to bear one another’s burdens, stand up for and protect those who are weak, oppressed or those whom the world might forsake; mourn with those that mourn, comfort those that need comfort, and love one another. May we follow Bridger’s example, approach the world as a child, and bring greater peace to our own homes, communities, states, and countries.”

The Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Community continues to breed the best humans and Bridger is an example we can all attest to. This brave little boy is a real life superhero – both in actions and mindset. Keep training little dude, you are an inspiration to us all… see you on the mat!

A very special thank you to Bridger and his father for taking the time to share their story with us. We will strive to live by your words and actions, and follow your lead in making this world a better place. 

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