Burnt Out? Give Jiu Jitsu A Try

The New You

Life…what a ride.  A roller coaster full of ups and downs.  We only have one life and want to make the most of it but boy, it can be exhausting.  Are you burnt out? While there are many ways to cope with this burn out, I can suggest one way you can deal with this situation.  This physical and emotional fight will fuel the fire you need to become the new you.  

What is Jiu Jitsu

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, BJJ for short, has roots in judo and wrestling.  A sport that is known for ground grappling techniques is one of the worlds’ fastest growing sports.  The infamous Gracie family in Brazil made the sport popular but the Ultimate Fighting Championships (UFC) is what really pushed the sport mainstream.  UFC is an organization that pitted different fighting styles against each other. The different martial artists; boxers, kickboxers, wrestlers etc. were able to test their skills against one another.  The Brazilians proved that striking arts were not the most dominant among all the martial arts. In a classic David vs. Goliath story, the underdog Royce Gracie, fought and won against an opponent much bigger and stronger by getting him to the ground and using chokes or joint locks to win.  

Growing up being bullied, Actor Jonah Hill Started Training BJJ 

Revenge on the Bully

And how does this relate to burn-outs you ask?  Well, on your first day of BJJ you will likely step on the mats and find yourself physically grappling with someone.  You will feel helpless and suffer defeat but will leave yearning for more!  

When you step on the mat, you practice mindfulness.  Anything that happened prior to you getting the air squeezed out of your lungs or getting your arms locked by someone half your age and size will seem nearly as bad.  Your muscles are sore, you are breathing heavy to catch your breath, you feel as if you just escaped death and you let go of all things irrelevant. You overcome daily stress by feeling an animal is instinct.  Only this experience can teach you not to give up and try again. The rush you feel is indescribable.  

As you grow and become a better martial artist you also grow and become a better husband, wife, dad, mom, boss, and most importantly person.  Like a game of chess, this sport forces you to be tactful and come up with creative solutions.  

Practice Makes Perfect

A burn-out does not mean failure.  It just means you need to reset and press start again.  It can be a long and tiring journey but is a journey from beginning to end.  In BJJ, you face physical and mental challenges where seconds seem like hours but instead of panicking, trust the process.  In jiu jitsu, you either tap or take a nap. Checkmate or surrender. Whatever the case, you live to play another game. You will come to understand that it’s not about winning or losing, it’s about learning to face challenges and being resilient. 

Rocking Chair

Yes, jiu jitsu will make you stronger and faster but it also makes you humble.  It doesn’t matter how much you weigh, how old or young you are, how much money you make.  These things are trivial. Things can change over time but how you deal with these changes and situations allow you to start the next round…on the mat and in life.  Worrying is like a rocking chair, it doesn’t get you anywhere. 

Driving It Home

Brazilian jiu jitsu teaches you to remain calm and analyze difficult or stressful situations.  It may sound silly that your mind can actually be cleared while gasping for air but it allows you to let go of things that matter and focus on the task at hand.  You will learn to be creative and think on your feet. You will become part of a team, a family, a culture. You will learn size, age, and gender do not matter. The mat levels the playing field.  Real friends choke each other out. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is always an option!

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