High Altitude Martial Arts to High Altitude Combat

High Altitude Martial Arts to High Altitude Combat

Rocky Pham joined the High Altitude Martial Arts family in 2015 and has never regretted walking into those doors.

Rocky found wrestling in his youth and fell in love with it. He found the more he trained, the better he got. It was the one sport where your victories and defeats fell squarely on your own shoulders. Little did he know that later on in his life, he would also have the same affinity for jiu jitsu.

Rocky was in the army for 15 years before diving into the Brazilian jiu jitsu world, joining mainly because of his sons, aged 14 and 10. He wanted to learn jiu jistu to help prepare his sons for the real world. 

Brazilian jiu jitsu “helped me humble myself when I lost, and helped me accept victories graciously.” Rocky says he was sure his boys would learn that through the sport, too. 

Brazilian jiu jitsu has helped Rocky’s army career by deepening his knowledge in combat sports, which ultimately makes him a better war fighter. What the army teaches only scratches the surface to the depths of jiu jitsu. He says it honed his skills to critically think, both on and off the mats, or more importantly, on and off the battlefield. 

“Brazilian jiu jitsu benefits your mind and body, gives you a direction to focus your aggressive nature, and you are never short of getting humbled on that mat,” says Rocky Pham. 

This Memorial Day, we honor and remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice. And appreciate all those who have served our country. Thank you, Rocky Pham.

Rocky Pham

CW2 Pham

CH-47 pilot

US Army

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